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Following workspaces

Get notified of all updates to a workspace immediately, or summarised on a daily or weekly basis.

Updated over 5 years ago

If you want to be notified of all updates to a workspace, you have the option to receive notifications immediately by following that workspace. It's ideal if you want to be made aware of updates, without having to rely on other members notifying you.

Following a workspace

To follow a workspace yourself, or add other members as followers, navigate to that workspace. You will find the option to follow the workspace next to the workspace's name. You can quickly add yourself as a follower by clicking the 'Follow this' button. Add other members using the plus icon.

Followers will receive immediate notifications of all activity in that workspace.

Unfollow a workspace

You can unfollow a workspace by clicking on the 'Unfollow' button. To remove other members click on the plus icon, remove the member from the list and click 'Save'.

All followers have the option to unfollow a workspace by clicking on the 'Unfollow' link that appears in all of the workspace follow email notifications.

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