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Notification settings

Decide how and when you receive Glasscubes notifications

Updated over a year ago

You will be alerted to updates in your account when a red dot appears on the bell icon that can be found by your profile photo; in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

To see your notifications click on the bell. You can then click on any item in the list to navigate directly to it. After clicking on an item, it will be marked ‘as read’.

If you want to receive notifications when you aren't logged into Glasscubes you have the option of receiving them by email, mobile (using our mobile app) or as a desktop notification (if you have Desktop Connect installed).

Email notification settings

Users have complete control over the quantity of email notifications that they receive. To make adjustments click on the bell icon to expand your recent notifications and click the 'Settings' link.

The first tab contains general system email notifications. If you decide to uncheck any of these you will still be notified of any activity in your online notification center.

The ‘Items Following’ tab provides a comprehensive list of items you are following and the option to unfollow them. This also contains items that other team members have @mentioned you in.

At the bottom of the page is a link to access your workspace notification settings.

Workspace notifications

There a two tabs that allow you to further configure your email notifications for specific workspaces:

  • Workspace notification settings - This gives you the option of disabling email notifications from specific workspaces.

If the workspace is unchecked, no email notifications will be received. This overrides the other email notifications so only uncheck if you do not wish to receive any email notifications from this workspace.

  • Workspace summary - This gives the option of an email summarising all activity for any workspaces that are checked.

You have the option of receiving either daily or weekly activity summary emails by selecting the appropriate time frame.

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