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Task dependencies

Choose either Finish/Start or Start/Start dependencies

Updated over a week ago

There a two different types of task dependencies that can be set up using the Gantt chart:

β€’ A Finish/Start Dependency – where one or more tasks are dependent on another task being completed before they can commence.

β€’ A Start/Start Dependency – where one or more tasks are dependent on another task being started before they can commence.

To set up a Finish/Start dependency, click and drag the circle icon from the end of one task's bar to the start of another. The same applies to Start/Start dependencies, in this case however select the circle icon at the beginning of a task's bar and drag and drop it on the circle icon at the beginning of another task's bar.

When two tasks are linked the dependency will be displayed as a gold line; if correct just release the mouse to set.

To delete a dependency just double click on its connecting line.

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